Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from U2's The Sweetest Thing
adverb - in front of
adjective - not able to see
verb - to be on fire
noun - a white or grey thing that floats in the sky
verb - to move forward on your arms and legs with your body near the ground or touching the ground completely
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
adjective - without end, everlasting
noun - a drop
noun - a substance that can be easily stretched, it is used for making tyres, water-proof boots etc.
verb - to use a needle and thread on a piece of cloth (e.g to make clothes etc.)
verb - to use a needle and thread to fasten two or more pieces of cloth etc. together
adjective - with very bad weather, with wind and rain
noun - dried parts of some plants, it is used as bedding for cows, and people sometimes make hats and other things from it
noun - a torn piece of something, an opening made by tearing
verb - to send something through the air by a fast and strong movement of the hand
verb - to change or to make something change
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