Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
All kinds of weather
noun - a snow storm
adjective - stormy
adjective, informal - very hot (esp. of weather)
noun - light wind
verb - (of the weather) to become good
adjective - (of weather) with clouds
adjective - a little wet, not really dry
noun - a heavy rain
noun - very small drops of rain coming from a cloud
noun - a period of time with no rainfall
noun - a situation in which water rises above its usual level and covers places that are normally dry
noun - a white cloud that makes it difficult to see
adjective - covered with fog
noun - the weather condition with very low temperature
noun - a very strong wind
noun - little balls of ice that sometimes fall from the clouds
noun - a ball of ice that sometimes falls from clouds during a storm
noun - a storm during which balls of ice fall from the clouds
noun - air that is difficult to see through because of heat or smoke
noun - a period of time with very high temperature and no rain
adjective - (of the air or climate) containing water
noun - a very very strong wind that causes much damage
adjective - changing very often (e.g. of the weather)
adjective - rather cold
noun - frozen water
noun - the flash of light you can see in the sky when there is a storm
verb - to change into a liquid or to something soft (e.g. chocolate or cheese)
adjective - (of a climate) not very cold and not very hot
noun - thin fog
adjective - very cloudy weather in which you cannot see any clear sky
verb - to rain heavily
noun - the arch of different colours that sometimes forms in the sky after it has rained
adjective - (of the weather) very hot
noun - a short light rain
noun - rain and snow together
noun - very wet snow lying on the ground
noun - a large and deep heap of snow that was made by the wind
adjective - hot weather in which it is difficult to breathe because there is no fresh air
noun - very strong wind together with rain, sometimes with thunder and lightning etc.
noun - the loud noise you can hear during a storm
noun - rain, thunder and lightning together
noun - a very strong wind blowing in a circle capable of causing a lot of damage
noun - a very heavy rain
noun - moving air
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