Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Slovíčka z pohádky The Selfish Giant
adjective - having a strong feeling towards somebody, feeling as if you want to shout at them
adjective - full of blood, covered with blood; full of violence
noun - a long part of a tree that grows from the trunk, leaves usually grow from it
noun - a large and usually historical building with towers and strong walls
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
noun - a place where two walls meet at an angle (usually the right angle)
verb - to put something over the top of something
verb - to make a choice, to make up your mind
verb - to damage something badly, usually in a way that it cannot function any more or can be used no longer
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
noun - a beautiful and colourful plant, women like to get this plant from men
noun - an area near a house where people grow flowers or vegetables, and where they often relax
noun - a fairy tale creature that looks like a very big, tall and strong man
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
adjective - injured physically or emotionally
verb - to make something different, to become different
noun - frozen water
adjective - not feeling well, having an illness
noun - one of the signs in an alphabet, the smallest part of a word
noun - a spot made somewhere as a sign of something
noun - a place where, as some people believe, good people go after they die, where everything is perfect and everybody happy
noun - a round yellow juicy fruit with a large rough pit
noun - the colour of a little girl's dress or a very clean pig
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
verb - to come back
adjective - unhappy; making somebody feel unhappy; feeling sorrow
adjective - thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
verb - to speak very loudly, e.g. at somebody who is far from you etc.
noun - a board or a flat piece of metal with something written on it, usually giving people information, warning etc.
noun - frozen water in the form of a soft white material
noun - the season of the year after winter
noun - the hottest season of the year
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
verb - to have an opinion, to believe something
noun - a very tall plant with a hard trunk and branches and green leaves or needles, people get wood from it
adjective - sad, miserable
noun - the side of a room or house, it can be made of bricks or wood etc.
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
noun - the coldest season of the year
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