Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Everyday objects
noun - a thing which you use to carry things in, it can be made of paper or thin plastic, or of strong leather or cloth
noun - a story or other written work printed on paper and fastened together, it has a cover and many pages inside
noun - a small machine which helps you do simple mathematics
noun - a small device used for taking pictures or videos
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes, usually in winter or cold weather, it is usually long and warm
noun - a small plastic object which is used for tidying your hair
noun - a small book with all the days of the year, in which you write down your plans and appointments for the week
noun - a thing with two glass lenses which helps you see better or protects your eyes from the sun
noun - a small metal object which is used for locking and unlocking doors, starting a car, etc.
noun, British English - a kind of small telephone which you can easily carry in your bag or pocket
noun - a small book into which you can write things which you want to remember
noun - a thing which you use to write with, usually in blue ink
noun - a thing which you use for writing or drawing, it is usually made of wood
noun - a small cassette player with a head set, it can be easily carried in your bag or pocket
noun - a small metal thing which you wear on your finger as a decoration, it is usually made of silver or gold
noun - a small thing in which you carry your money, it is usually made of leather or plastic
noun - a small clock which you wear around your wrist
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