Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Daily Routine words
noun - the part of the day between lunch and dinner
noun - the meal which you have in the morning after you get up
noun - The meal which you have in the evening. In many countries it is the main meal of the day
noun - the part of the day before you go to bed, it starts at about 6 pm
verb - to complete something or to get to the end of something
verb - to wake up and leave the bed in the morning
verb - to end the day by lying down in the bed and sleep
verb - to go to the place where you study
verb - to leave home and go to the place where you earn money
noun - the meal which you usually have at midday or early afternoon
noun - 12 o'clock AM, the time when many people have lunch
noun - the part of the day after you get up and/or before lunch
noun - the part of the day when people usually sleep
verb - to begin doing something
noun - the two days (Saturday and Sunday) when people usually don't go to work
noun - the job or activity you do, especially to earn money
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