Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - a big vehicle with four or six wheels using a road, it can carry many passengers, it stops regularly on its route to let people in and out
verb - to prepare food
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
noun - the place where people live and to which they are connected emotionally
noun - the work that students usually get at school to do at home
noun - the kind of work that must be done in a household, such as washing up, ironing, cleaning etc.
verb - to take in through the eyes
verb - to visit somebody
noun - The activity of going into shops in order to buy food and other things you need or want
noun - the building where children and young people go in order to study, the institution that provides education
noun - a big vehicle that uses railway tracks, it usually has a locomotive in the front and a few carriages, it can carry passengers or goods
verb - to wash plates and cups and spoons etc. in water after a meal
noun - washing plates and cups and spoons etc. in water after a meal
noun - the job or activity you do, especially to earn money
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