Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Agatha Christie
noun - a person, usually a policeman, who tries to solve crimes
verb - to become impossible to see or find
adjective - not married any more
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
noun - a person who is visiting somebody or visiting a place
noun - a building with many rooms for guests where you can stay over night
noun - a man who is married
verb - to end somebody's life
noun - the state of being husband and wife
noun - something which is impossible or difficult to understand
noun - a description of a sequence of events either real or imaginary
adjective - having what you wanted; popular, rich, famous
verb - to give somebody information
adjective - sad, miserable
noun - a person who works in a restaurant, takes orders from customers, and brings them food and drinks
noun - a person whose job is to write books
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