Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
shopping words
noun - a block of solid material, e.g. chocolate or soap
noun, British English - a kind of flat thin dry cake that is often sweet
noun - a glass or plastic container for liquids, it has a narrow opening on the top
noun - a container that is made of cardboard, plastic, wood etc., it is usually rectangular
noun - a number of things fastened together (e.g. flowers, grapes, keys etc.)
noun - a sweet baked food made of flour, eggs and sugar etc.
noun - a beautiful and colourful plant, women like to get this plant from men
noun - Small pieces of chocolate, usually in a nice box. People give them as a gift
noun - trousers made of a special cloth (denim), they are usually blue and come from Texas
noun - the white drink or liquid that comes from cows
noun - a kind of small box or other container
noun - two of a kind
noun - a nice smelling liquid that people put on their skin
noun - a thing made from oils and fats which people use to wash their body, it usually smells nice and can be of any colour
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