Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Country factfile
adjective - large, not small
noun - the unit of temperature used in Europe
noun - a unit of length, ten millimetres
adjective - of a low temperature
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
adjective - travelling at a high speed, not slow
adjective - far above the ground, not low
adjective - of very high temperature, very warm
noun - a unit of length, thousand metres
adjective - not high, close to the ground
noun - a measure of length, a hundred centimetres
noun - a measure of length, one tenth of a centimetre
adjective - not young or new
adjective - travelling at a low speed, not fast
adjective - little, not big
noun - area unit, 1000 metres x 1000 metres
adjective - covered or soaked in water
adjective - not old, not having lived very long
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