Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Travelling by train
noun - information given to people
noun - the time when a plane, bus, train etc. comes or is scheduled to come
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
noun - a place where you can book your tickets in advance
noun, American English - a taxi
noun, British English - a place where you can take a taxi cab
verb - to decide not to do what has been planned
noun - the instrument in a car that makes a loud noise in order to give a warning to another driver or a pedestrian etc.
verb - to be there in time for a bus or train etc; not to be too late
noun - a bus used for travelling for longer distances
noun - a place where two things meet
noun - many people at one place
noun - the fact that something happens later than it was planned
noun - the time when a train, plane, bus etc. leaves or is scheduled to leave
noun - the money you pay for a journey
noun - a place at a train station etc. where you can get information
verb - to go away from somewhere or somebody
adjective - going in one direction only
noun - a person who travels somewhere on a bus, train, plane etc.
noun - the fact that you have booked seats in a theatre or a room in a hotel, etc. in advance
noun, American English - travelling to a place and back
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - a piece of paper that enables you to use a train, bus etc, or lets you enter a theatre, cinema etc.
noun - a board or a sheet of paper with the arrival and departure times
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
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