Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Music styles
noun - a kind of vocal and instrumental music that evolved in the USA from African spirituals and worksongs
adjective - serious (of music, e.g. of composers like Mozart, or Bach)
noun - traditional music which uses guitars, fiddles etc., the musicians often look like cowboys
noun - a music that is inspired by traditional music, it uses guitars, violins etc.
noun - a kind of dance music with a strong jazz-based rhythm
noun - a very hard music with loud electric guitars and fast heavy drums, the musicians usually have long hair
noun - a kind of music that is often played radios and is accepted by most people
noun - a theatre performance where the actors sing
noun, American English - a sweet drink with bubbles
noun - a kind of music in which words are rhythmically recited rather than sung
noun - a music style that comes from Jamaica
noun - a style of modern music with very strong beat, it is usually played on electric guitars, drums etc.
noun - a kind of rhythmical dance music from the Caribbean and Latino countries
noun - a kind of music that evolved in the USA, it is a combination of rhythm and blues and gospel, with special stress on vocals and religious themes
noun - fast electronic music with a beat
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