Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Human qualities
noun - the things that a person would like to achieve in his life
adjective - wanting and expecting to achieve great things in life
noun - the trust in oneself
adjective - sure about yourself, your abilities, your opinions, etc.
adjective - staying with somebody at all times; loyal
noun - the quality of staying with somebody at all times
noun - physical beauty or good appearace (of a person)
adjective - handsome, pretty
adjective - fair, not telling lies, not stealing
noun - telling the truth, not lying or stealing
noun - the belief that perfect life is possible
adjective - believing that perfect life is possible
adjective - not formal (about clothes etc.)
noun - the state of not being formal
noun - the ability to learn and understand things
adjective - able to learn and understand things, smart
adjective - nice, helpful, good, gentle
noun - the quality of being kind, nice and gentle; a kind thing
adjective - not closed
noun - ability to speak freely about your feelings
noun - the ability to see the good side of everything; a belief in a good end
adjective - able to see the good side of everything, not losing hope; believing in a good end
noun - willingness to wait calmly; the ability to wait for something calmly
adjective - willing to wait calmly
noun - the quality of a person who can be depended on or trusted
adjective - one that can be depended on or trusted
adjective - not willing to smile or laugh or make jokes
noun - the quality of a person who is not willing to smile or make jokes
adjective - not lying, not pretending something that is not true
noun - the quality of a person who does not lie or pretend something that is not true
adjective - having a clear goal that you are following
noun - the quality of a person who has a clear goal that he is following
noun - a natural ability to do something
adjective - having a natural ability to do something
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