Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Cold, lost, hungry, alone
verb - to have enough money in order to buy something or pay for something
noun - a long yellow tropical fruit
verb - to be pleased and happy because you do not need to worry or fear anymore
noun, British English - a plant with a large root which is sometimes eaten as a vegetable
adjective - sharp and unpleasant (cold etc.)
noun - a kind of food baked from flour and water, you can make sandwiches and toasts from it
noun - a kind of round vegetable with large thick green leaves
adjective - mixed up, understanding something in a wrong way or not understanding it at all
noun - many people at one place
noun - the things that you eat
adjective - silly, not wise or sensible
noun - a person who comes from a different country
adjective - very very cold, temperature below zero
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
adjective - making you feel very afraid
noun - a kind of hat worn in very cold regions, it is made of fur
adjective - kind and generous towards visitors
adjective - rather cold
noun - a building or something that can be easily recognized and which can help you to realize where you are
adjective - unhappy because of being alone
noun - a piece of paper with a drawing of the surface of a country or a region, showing where the towns and rivers and lakes etc. are
noun, British English - a small meat or vegetable pie
noun - an area outside where children can play
noun - a mixture of meat filled in a thin tube
verb - to show a happy expression on your face
noun - frozen water in the form of a soft white material
noun - a person who is in the army
adjective - not fresh anymore, gone bad
noun - a person who you don't know, a person who isn't known somewhere or doesn't belong there
noun - moving air
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