Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
News words
noun - the division of the army where planes and other aircraft are used
noun - a large number of soldiers
verb - to start a fight suddenly and with violence, to be violent towards someone
noun - a fight between enemies
noun - a container filled with explosives
noun - a dividing line between two countries
noun - a small thing that is shot out of a gun
noun - a place where you can go to drink and dance and have fun at night
noun - the kind of money used in a particular country
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
noun - a large group of people marching through the street to show their unhappiness about something etc.
noun - a formal event in which a candidate for an important post has to be chosen by a number of people
noun - a burning pile of wood etc, a burning house etc.
noun - a very strong wind
noun - a weapon that shoots bullets
verb - to take control of an aircraft etc. illegally
noun - a civillian who is taken prisoner by a criminal who threatens to kill him/her if the government etc. does not do what he wants
noun - a person who decides about a criminal's punishment and other questions concerning law and justice
noun - a group of people (chosen from the public) in a court who help to decide whether a person is guilty of a crime or not
verb - to take away a person and request money or an action in return for bringing him/her back
noun - a person who has been educated in law and whose job is connected with law
noun - the group of politicians who put emphasis on social reforms
noun - the flash of light you can see in the sky when there is a storm
verb - to be defeated (in a game, fight etc.)
verb - to walk like a soldier
noun - A sport event, e.g. in tennis or football
noun - a large exploding weapon that can be shot through air at a very distant target
noun - armed forces trained to make war at sea
noun - a person in the army who gives orders to soldiers
noun - an organized group of people with the same political views
noun - a person who plays a game, a musical instrument etc.
noun - the head of a country, esp. a republic
noun - the money that has to be paid for something, the value
noun - the head of the cabinet or government
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
noun - the group of politicians who do not want social change and emphasize business and market
noun - a person who is in the army
noun - a large building where sports like football, athletics, hockey etc. are done
noun - a group of people who work together or do a sport together
noun - a criminal who kills or threatens people for esp. political purposes
noun - rain, thunder and lightning together
noun - soldiers
noun - a success in winning in something
noun - a situation in which two nations fight against each other
noun - a thing that is used to fight with, e.g. a gun, knife, cannon, missile, baseball bat etc.
verb - to come first in a race, competition, game or fight
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