Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Heroes never die
verb - to come into sight, to be seen suddenly
noun - an American game played on a pitch with bats
noun - a funny drawing, a comic strip (esp. in a newspaper)
noun - a book with a story told in drawings and text written in bubbles
noun - a person who has done a serious illegal thing
noun - a person who is not friendly towards you, somebody who you fight
adjective - not real; imaginary
noun - a small green or brown animal that lives in water or near water
noun - a person who is special for some people, esp. one who has achieved something great or one that is brave and strong
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
noun, American English - a story you can see in the cinema or on video or DVD
noun - an animal kept at home for fun or company
adjective - many people's favourite
noun - a small animal with long ears, it eats grass and people keep them as pets or for their meat
noun - several things that come one after the other; a television programme with many separate episodes (each has its own story)
noun - a person who tries to find out the enemy's secrets
noun - something you have managed to achieve; a good result, the act of achieving something
noun - a group of people who work together or do a sport together
adjective - having the usual signs or qualities of other things or people of the same kind
noun - a situation in which two nations fight against each other
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