Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from the progress check
adjective - having the skill to do something
adjective - used to something
adjective - full of fear, fearful
adjective - living, not dead
adjective - having an allergy
adverb - with nobody else, with nobody's help
adjective - having a strong feeling towards somebody, feeling as if you want to shout at them
adverb - not together, separate
adjective - not interested and tired
adjective - able, having a capacity to
adjective - sure, confident, knowing something
adjective - sure about yourself, your abilities, your opinions, etc.
adjective - loving, kind
adjective - very afraid
adjective - willing to give things away, not mean
adjective - pleased, happy
adjective - not feeling well, having an illness
adverb - feeling strong affection towards a person
adjective - nice, helpful, good, gentle
adjective - expected, probable, almost certain
adjective - made happy by something
adjective - feeling good about yourself because of what you are, what you have or what you have done
adjective - prepared
adjective - belonging to the same family
adjective - alike; not different from
adjective - feeling bad about something wrong that you have done
adjective - certain, knowing something for certain
adjective - having the usual signs or qualities of other things or people of the same kind
adjective - not able
adjective - not ill, feeling fine
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