Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from the story Rose Rose
adjective - very pretty
noun - an instrument used for painting, decorating or cleaning things
verb - to rely on, to be influenced by
verb - to become impossible to see or find
noun, British English - a stream of air that flows into a room e.g. through open doors or windows etc.
noun - the state of being very tired
noun, British English - the rooms that you use to live in, usually in a large building where many people live
verb - to hit somebody (by car etc.) in a way that makes the person fall down, and injures or kills him
adjective - laughing at something or somebody unkindly
noun - a person whose job is to show clothes at fashion shows, to pose for photographers and cameras etc.
noun - a photo, a drawing or a painting
noun - a small knife with a folding blade
noun - a flat surface that protects you from being seen, from wind, sunlight etc.
noun - a session, a period of time you spend with somebody (e.g. with a tutor, instructor, counsellor, etc.)
noun - a piece of equipment used for heating up a room, esp. one that burns wood or other fuels
noun - a room where an artist, such as a painter or sculptor, works
noun - a plant that people like to smoke in cigarettes, cigars, pipes etc.
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