Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
The qualities necessary for certain jobs
adjective - (about clothes etc.) in a popular style of the particular time
adjective - healthy and strong
adjective - (of a person, gesture etc.) attracting attention by being loud etc.
adjective - enjoyable, entertaining or amusing
adjective - bringing laughter and joy
adjective - working very much
adjective - able to think of new things or ideas
adjective - able to learn and understand things, smart
adjective - nice, helpful, good, gentle
adjective - full of life, full of energy, full of enthusiasm
adjective - (of a person) being efficient and methodical in managing tasks, time, and resources
adjective - connected with something real or possible rather than imaginary and theoretical
adjective - one that can be depended on or trusted
adjective - reasonable, practical
adjective - showing that you have feelings and emotions and that you understand other people's feelings and emotions, too
adjective - clever, intelligent, quick to understand and learn
adjective - friendly, enjoying spending time with other people
adjective - not old, not having lived very long
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