Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Tourism and Religion
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun - a vehicle with two wheels without an engine, you move it by moving your legs
noun - a large and important church
verb - to stand by the road, lift up your thumb and wait for a driver to give you a lift; to travel in this manner
noun - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
noun - the back of a horse where people sit when they ride it
noun - a kind of cheap hotel where people stay when they are living far from home or travelling
noun - a building where religious people (Christians) go to pray etc.
noun - a sweet-smelling substance that is burned during religious ceremonies
noun - a holiday that has been organized for you
noun - a religious person who is travelling to a place that is important for his religion
noun - a person trained in religious duties and performing religious ceromonies
noun - a good religious person who is respected greatly esp. after his/her death
noun - a hard covering of an animal, e.g. a snail, turtle etc.
noun - an activity often done by tourists in which they go from one place to another and they look at buildings, statues, churches etc.
noun - an object that tourists buy at a place to remind them of it
noun - an instrument that is pressed against a surface and it prints something on it
noun - an image or model of a person or animal etc, made of stone or metal etc.
noun - something that tries to persuade you to do something bad
noun - a person who goes somewhere on foot
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