Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
People's good and bad qualities
adjective - able to think well before doing something
adjective - relaxed, not worried
adjective - treating everyone equally; not prejudiced
adjective - in a good mood
adjective - working very much
adjective - clumsy; awkward; not able to do some things that require skill
adjective - not old but not young, in one's forties
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
adjective - friendly and interested in other people, not shy or selfish
adjective - saying what you think without being afraid of making people angry, disappointed etc.
adjective - sure of yourself
adjective - not able to see far into the future
adjective - getting angry very easily and quickly
adjective - kind, understanding
adjective - having a strong will
adjective - not upset easily, not hurt by what people say about you
adjective - having good manners
adjective - known all over the world
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