Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
More human qualities
adjective - quick to fight or argue
adjective - behaving in a way that you cannot be manipulated, you can say what you want, people respect your decisions etc.
adjective - sure about yourself, your abilities, your opinions, etc.
adjective - calm, not angry
adjective - full of lies, cheating
adjective - saying what you mean clearly
adjective - keeping to the rules
adjective - fair, not telling lies, not stealing
adjective - able to talk freely about his thoughts and feelings
adjective - having an opinion about somebody based on the person's race, sex etc.
adjective - not emotional or open, hiding his/her emotions
adjective - showing that you have feelings and emotions and that you understand other people's feelings and emotions, too
adjective - not willing to smile or laugh or make jokes
adjective - feeling nervous about talking to people, especially strangers
adjective - careful not to say or do something that could upset or offend somebody
adjective - not emotional
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