Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Adjectives to describe a movie
adjective - wonderful and exciting
adjective - extremely shocking, extremely bad
adjective - clumsy, not able to be used easily
adjective - awkward, not good at doing things, not able to use hands to do something well
adjective - very pleasant, making you very happy
adjective - affecting your feelings and emotions
adjective - special, not common or usual
adjective - absolutely great
adjective - unbelievable
adjective - bringing laughter and joy
adjective - making you interested or fascinated
adjective - extremely bad, ugly or unpleasant
adjective - very attractive, delightful
adjective - making one feel admiration or respect
adjective - very strong and mighty
adjective - surprising, making people notice
adjective - showing that you have feelings and emotions and that you understand other people's feelings and emotions, too
adjective - easy, plain, not difficult or complicated
adjective - travelling at a low speed, not fast
adjective - very impressive, exciting to see or watch
adjective - extremely bad
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