Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Symbols of love?
noun - a kind of round fruit which usually has a red, yellow or green skin
noun - the shape that usually represents love
noun - a ball-shaped garden flower with bright colours
noun - the body that moves around the earth at 28 day intervals, any natural satellite of a planet
noun - a kind of vegetable with many layers, it is used in cooking and has a very strong smell, which often makes people cry
noun - a small metal thing which you wear on your finger as a decoration, it is usually made of silver or gold
noun - a nice-smelling flower with thorns (usually red or white)
noun - a reptile with a long body and no legs
noun, British English - a tool for turning nuts and bolts
noun - a small red fruit that usually grows in the garden, it is sweet and juicy
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