Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Phrasal verbs
verb - to let something explode; to destroy something by using explosives
verb - to reach someone who is ahead of you
verb - to get rid of something, to put an end to something
verb, informal - to start to sleep
verb - to decide to deal with an unpleasant situation
verb - to use something or ask somebody for help when you are in trouble or have difficulties
verb - not to happen, to fail
verb - to escape successfully from a place or situation
verb - not to be punished for something bad that you have done
verb - to return home (from work etc.)
verb - to lower your body to the ground
verb - to make somebody sad, unhappy or disappointed
verb - to have a (good) relationship with somebody
verb - to do an activity that is difficult, unpleasant etc.
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
verb, British English - to become ill
verb - to do something as a hobby
verb - to take part in a competition or test
verb - (of an alarm etc.) to start
verb - to explode
verb - (of milk) to turn sour, to go stale etc.
verb - to prevent something from moving forward; to make something go slower
verb - to keep a piece of information in secret
verb - (often used in exclamations as a warning) to be careful
verb - to do something in order to correct something bad
verb - to escape
verb - to win a prize easily
verb - to move back a little
verb - to defend yourself against someone or something
verb - to go back by the same route
verb - to disappear or become weaker
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