Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - a tropical fruit shaped like a pear, with green skin, soft green flesh inside and a large seed in the centre
verb - to cook in the oven, esp. bread, cake etc.
noun - the seed of a kind of climbing plant that is used as food
verb - to cook in water that is so hot that there are bubbles in it
noun - a deep round container, usually used for holding food, liquids etc.
noun - a dish made by cooking meat and vegetables in liquid in a low heat
verb - to prepare food
noun - a thick fat milk product
verb - to separate with something sharp, e.g. a knife or scissors
noun - a prepared food
noun - a small tool with sharp points, we use it when we eat for putting meat etc. in our mouth
noun - a round metal container with a handle used for frying in
verb - to cook by heat or on a hot surface over a fire etc.
noun - boiled or smoked pork meat that is usually cut into thin slices
noun - a flat piece of fried ground meat in a bun, usually with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, onions and other vegetables
verb - to make something hot
noun - a sausage in a bun with ketchup, mustard, onion etc.
verb - to cut something into smaller pieces using a knife or another sharp instrument
noun - a sharp metal object which you can use for cutting things
verb - to put a number of things together in a way that they cannot be separated easily
noun - a kind of shellfish with a black shell, it can be eaten
noun - a kind of greasy liquid that comes from a variety of plants, such as sunflower or olives, which is used for frying etc.
noun - a kind of vegetable with many layers, it is used in cooking and has a very strong smell, which often makes people cry
noun - a kitchen appliance in which you can bake or roast etc.
noun - a shellfish that people eat and that sometimes produces pearls
noun - spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna etc.
verb - to take away the covering (of a fruit or vegetable)
noun - a hot spice used in cooking
noun - a red or green or yellow vegetable with a sweet or hot taste
noun - a kind of food made of a pastry case filled with meat or fruit
noun - a kind of savoury cake with cheese, tomato sauce, ham etc., it comes from Italy
noun - a flat round dish that you eat from
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
verb - to cook meat in an oven or over a fire
noun - a white substance that is used in cooking in order to preserve food or to improve the taste, it is present in the water of the seas and oceans
noun - a kind of round metal pot with a handle that you use to cook in
noun - food that comes from the sea, such as mussles, shrimp, seaweed etc.
noun - a very thin piece of bread, ham, cheese etc.
noun - an tool that you use for eating with, esp. for soups etc.
verb - to put butter etc. over the surface of a slice of bread etc.
noun - a large farm bird which is usually eaten on special days, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving
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