Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Holiday and travelling
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
noun - a waterway made for ships
noun - many people at one place
noun - the place on the border, on the airport etc. where your baggage is checked to make sure you are not carrying any illegal things
verb - to move your body in the rhythm of music
noun - a possibility of harm, damage or death
noun - the fact that something happens later than it was planned
noun - the activity of swimming under water
noun - a kind of boat that travels across a channel or a river and carries people, cars, buses etc.
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
verb - to become lost in a place that you do not know
noun - an office where you go when you have lost or found something
noun - a very high hill
noun - an act of attacking somebody and stealing his money and belongings
noun - the time when there is no war or fighting
noun - a card with a picture on one side that you send to your friends by mail when you are on a holiday
noun - a large stream of water that is flowing across the land into the sea
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
noun - frozen water in the form of a soft white material
noun - the highest speed allowed
verb - to lie in the sun esp. when you want your skin to be darker colour
verb - to get burned by the sun
noun - a place for swimming built outdoors or indoors
noun - rain, thunder and lightning together
noun - a document or a stamp that allows you to travel to a foreign country
noun - a ship that has sunk, a plane, car etc. that has crashed
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