Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Problem adjectives
adjective - impossible to be passed through; prevented from being moved
adjective - not working, not in its original shape, made into two or more pieces
adjective - broken because of the pressure inside
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
adjective - (of a water tap etc.) not tightly closed or connected so that water is coming out in drops
adjective - covered with dust, full of dust
adjective - lighter in colour because of being too old or exposed to sunlight for a long time
adjective - out of order; damaged or broken so that is cannot work properly
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
adjective - too full that there is no more space
adjective - covered with plants that have grown too much
adjective - (of a layer of paint etc.) coming off
adjective - having scratches
adjective - having stains, dirty
adjective - unable to move in any direction
adjective - damaged by pulling it appart
adjective - damaged, weakened, made thinner etc. by being used too much
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