Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Jobs and activities
noun - a person whose job is to build houses and buildings
noun - a person whose job it is to build things out of wood, e.g. wooden houses, roofs etc.
verb - to remove dirt, to do an activity so that something is not dirty any more, e.g. wash, wipe etc.
verb - to shorten something with scissors (e.g. hair), scythe or mower (e.g. grass) etc.
noun - a person whose job is to paint and decorate houses and buildings
noun - a person who works with electricity
verb - to mend, to repair, to make sth. functional again
noun - a person who works in a garden
verb, British English - to fix something that has been broken or not working properly
verb - to put paint on the surface of something, e.g. on a wall etc.
noun - a person whose job is to work with water pipes, central heating etc.
verb - to make something that has been broken work again; to mend, to fix
verb - to put something in place of something else
verb - to put plaster on the wall or ceiling from which it has been removed or fallen off
verb - to clean with water
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