Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Important items
noun - a notebook where you write people's addresses, phone numbers etc.
noun - a clock that is used to wake you up in the morning
noun - a kind of pen that has a small ball at the tip that rolls ink on paper
noun - a thing that enables you to see clearly things that are in the distance
noun - a paper card with your name, the name of your company and phone numbers, website address etc.
noun - coins and banknotes
noun - a card issued by a bank that allows you to pay without using cash
noun - a small book with all the days of the year, in which you write down your plans and appointments for the week
noun - a piece of cloth or soft paper that is used to dry your nose etc.
noun - a book with cheques
noun - sweet brown food made from cocoa
noun - a small metal object which is used for locking and unlocking doors, starting a car, etc.
noun - a piece of paper with a drawing of the surface of a country or a region, showing where the towns and rivers and lakes etc. are
noun - a glass surface in which you can see your reflection
noun, British English - a kind of small telephone which you can easily carry in your bag or pocket
noun - a small book into which you can write things which you want to remember
noun - a book with a long and complicated story about many people
noun - a paper cover of a book
noun - a small knife with a folding blade
noun - a thing that you hold above your head when it is raining in order not to get wet
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