Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
The green tourist
verb - to be grateful for something, to realize the value of something and behave accordingly
verb - to keep away from
verb - to make something happen
noun - usage; the act of using something
adjective - connected with the customs, traditions etc. of a nation, country etc.
noun - harm done to things
adjective - connected with money and business
verb - to make somebody feel silly or awkward, especially in front of people
noun - the power to do things, the power that makes things work, e.g. electricity
adjective - connected to the environment
adjective - kind and generous towards visitors
noun - the way that people lead their lives
adjective - of a particular place, belonging to or living in a particular place
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
noun - water, air, soil. etc. being dirty
adjective - many people's favourite
adjective - for people in general, able to be used by everybody
noun - a place visited by tourists which is worth seeing
noun - the act of moving something or somebody from one place to another, by means of roads, ships, planes etc.
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