Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - a person who you have already met
verb - to ask somebody to go to a restaurant, cinema etc. with you
noun - a boy who has a romantic relationship with somebody
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend, to break such a relationship
verb - to start to feel a strong affection towards somebody or something
verb - to stop being friendly with someone and start to have arguments with them
verb, British English, informal - to feel sexually attracted to somebody
noun - a man who has promised to marry someone
noun - a woman who has promised to marry someone
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
verb - to promise each other that you will marry each other
verb - to start a sexual relationship with someone
verb - to become a husband and wife, to become someone's husband or wife
verb - to become familiar with
noun - the girl who has a romantic relationship with somebody
verb - to have somebody as a boyfriend or girlfriend
adjective - being afraid of losing a person you like or love because somebody else likes him/her too
verb - not to tell the truth
verb - to come together, to see each other, to introduce each other
noun - a person who shares in the same activity as somebody else
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