Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Tourist guide in Hong Kong
noun - a place to stay
noun - the season of the year that comes after summer
noun - a tall tropical plant, it can be eaten when it is young or furniture can be made of it when it is older
noun - a container made from thin sticks
noun - a piece of clothing that women wear when they go swimming or sunbathing, it comes in two pieces
noun - a prepared food
noun - the place where ships can be tied up and/or protected from the sea and wind etc.
adjective - (of the air or climate) containing water
noun, informal - old useless things; an old useless thing
noun - a hall inside the entrance of a building (hotel etc.) where people usually meet or wait
noun - a very short skirt
noun - the time of the year when there are most tourist at a place
noun - a kind of material that is used to make cups, plates etc.
verb - to rest by doing something enjoyable; to stop worrying
noun - light open shoes that have bands to hold the feet in them
noun - a large building with many shops inside
noun - a kind of short trousers that cover your legs to the knees or shorter
noun - a thread produced by a kind of caterpillar or the material made from this thread
adjective - very impressive, exciting to see or watch
verb - to cook food by placing it over boiling water
noun - the hottest season of the year
noun - the things or area that you can see from a particular place, e.g. from a window or a lookout point
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