Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Mysterious stories
verb - to believe that something is true without proof
noun - a strip of cloth or other material used to cover an injured part of the body, usually to prevent bleeding etc.
noun - something that leads you to the right answer
noun - a person who keeps you company; a friend who spends time with you
noun - a top of something, a lid, a wrapper or something that serves to protect something from damage etc.
verb - to become impossible to see or find
noun - an terrible event (such as an earthquake, fire etc.) that brings a lot of damage or harm
verb - to examine something new carefully
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
noun - the flat ground in your flat or house that you walk on
verb - to talk quickly about something that is not really important
noun - a thing in a door etc., which can only be opened with a key
noun - a round opening in the road, sidewalk etc. that leads to the sewage system
verb - to make a low sound as if you are in pain
adjective - difficult or impossible to explain
verb - to concentrate and listen carefully
noun - a serious disease that kills many people
verb - to close very firmly
noun - a narrow street that leads off a main street
noun - one of the flat square pieces of porcelain etc. that are used to cover the floors in the house or walls (of bathroom etc.)
noun, dated - a young person
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