Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Types of school
noun - a kind of school where children stay all week or all term and go home only at weekends or only on holiday
noun, British English - a kind of British secondary school that most children go to
noun, American English - a type of school for children between 7 and 11
noun - a class at school
noun, American English - an type of school for children between 7 and 14
noun, American English - a type of school for children between 14 and 18
noun, American English - a type of school that is for children between 12 and 15
noun - a kind of school for pre-school children
noun, British English - a type of school for children between 9 and 14
noun, British English - a British school for children from 5 to 11
noun, British English - a private school
noun, American English - a school that is for everyone, usually owned by the government
noun, British English - a type of school for children between 11 and 16
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