Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
School subjects
noun - a school subject in which students learn to make beautiful things, such as paintings, sculptures, music etc.
noun - the act of fixing a broken car
noun - a school subject in which you learn about computers
noun - the study of business and financial principles
noun - the study of our planet, countries, cities etc.
noun - the study of the past
noun - a science that studies chemical reactions etc.
noun - a system of communication that uses words etc.
noun - a rule made by the government that must be followed
noun, British English - the study of numbers
noun - the science that involves treating illnesses and their prevention
noun - a school subject in which you sing, play instruments and learn about composers etc.
noun - the study of ideas, the meaning of life, the nature of existence and reality etc.
noun - a school subject in which you do excercise, play games or do other sports
noun - the study of natural forces
noun - the act of getting information from a written text
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
noun - a subject concerned with machines and how they work
noun - the act or skill of writing on a keyboard or a typewriter
noun - the act of putting words down on paper etc.
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