Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from the story
verb - to hit something repeatedly
adverb - in a relaxed effortless way
adjective - mad or foolish
verb - to say words that express great anger
noun, American English - a shop that sells medicine, soap, cosmetics, etc.
noun - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
noun, informal - a person
verb - (of light) to go on and off quickly and repeatedly
verb - to go after somebody
verb - to make your forehead wrinkled when you do not like what you see or hear, when you are worried or angry
verb - to take hold of something suddenly
noun - an occasion when people come together to discuss something
noun - an act of killing somebody deliberately
adjective - difficult or impossible to explain
noun - the part of town or city where you live
noun - twelve o'clock in the middle of the day
adjective - not noticing something or caring about something
noun - a meal eaten outdoors, esp. away from home
adjective - unable to understand something
noun - the ability to do something well
verb - to warn someone to do what you want or you will harm them
noun - a set of two steel rails running side by side that a train travels along
noun - a high sound, esp. produced by air passing through your lips
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