Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
verb - to take or receive sth
verb - to reply, to say something when somebody asks you a question
verb - to come to a certain place
verb - to say something and expect an answer or information
verb - to have one's origins in
verb - to take liquid, such as water, into your body through your mouth
verb - to get money from working
verb - to let somebody have something, to hand something over to somebody
verb - to move from one place to another using your feet or a means of transport
verb - to have in mind, to have knowledge of, to have learned, heard or seen
verb - to have your home in a particular place
verb - to ask if somebody would like something
verb - to place (something somewhere)
verb - to speak or tell something to somebody in words (spoken or written)
verb - to order somebody or something to go or be taken somewhere, usually by mail etc.
verb - to make music with your voice
verb - to rest your body on a chair, sofa etc
verb - to continue to be somewhere; to live somewhere as a guest usually for a short time
verb - to get on (on a bus, train, plane etc.) in order to travel somewhere
verb - to remove something you have been wearing, e.g. a piece of clothes etc.
verb - to speak with somebody and give information to each other
verb - to have an opinion, to believe something
verb - to go and see a place or a person, usually as a guest
verb - to wish to have something, to need
verb - to have something, usually clothes, on your body
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