Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
First Impressions – impressions, weather
noun - the season of the year that comes after summer
adjective - extremely bad
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
adjective - of a low temperature
adjective - difficult to understand, puzzling
noun - the area outside towns and cities, with mountains, forests, fields etc.
adjective - full of people
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
verb - to control a car; to go by car somewhere and sit behind the wheel
noun - the things that you eat
adjective - behaving like a friend, kind, open
adjective - willing to give things away, not mean
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
adjective - wonderful, excellent; very important
noun - a weapon that shoots bullets
adjective - of very high temperature, very warm
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
noun - a small creature, usually with six legs, e.g. a fly, beetle, bee, etc.
noun - an open green area in a town or city where people can go to relax, sit down, have a picnic etc.
noun - the institution or men and women whose job is to protect people, make everybody obey the law, catch criminals etc.
adjective - not rude; having good manners
noun - The activity of going into shops in order to buy food and other things you need or want
adjective - travelling at a low speed, not fast
noun - the season of the year after winter
noun - the hottest season of the year
noun - the light that comes from the sun
noun - a person who is on a holiday, usually in a foreign country
adjective - not behaving in a nice way towards somebody
verb - to go on foot
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
noun - the coldest season of the year
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