Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from the text
noun - a thing which you use to carry things in, it can be made of paper or thin plastic, or of strong leather or cloth
adjective - large, not small
adjective - not working, not in its original shape, made into two or more pieces
noun - a number of things fastened together (e.g. flowers, grapes, keys etc.)
noun - a white or grey thing that floats in the sky
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes, usually in winter or cold weather, it is usually long and warm
adjective - of one level, with no parts being higher or lower, not hilly or mountainous
noun - a beautiful and colourful plant, women like to get this plant from men
adjective - weighing a lot, not light
adjective - not high, close to the ground
noun - more than one person
noun - a long piece of cloth that you use in cold weather to cover your neck
noun - one of the things that you wear on your feet, usually made of plastic or leather
noun - the air above the land with clouds etc.
verb - to show a happy expression on your face
adjective - not cold; making you feel not cold
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