Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Cities, towns etc.
noun - the style in which a building or house is built
adjective - wrong; not good
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
adjective - very pretty
adjective - not holding your attention, not interesting
adjective - having too much work or too many activities
noun - a place where you can sit down and have a coffee
noun - a large and important church
noun, British English - a building where you go to see a film
noun - the usual weather of a particular place
noun - a place where you can go to drink and dance and have fun at night
adjective - of a low temperature
adjective - full of people
adjective - not safe, could cause injury or death
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
noun - things that interest people, e.g. music, films, theatres etc.
adjective - extremely good, perfect
adjective - costing a lot of money, not cheap
noun - a large building where things are produced
noun - the things that you eat
noun - a place where you can see paintings, sculptures and other work of art
adjective - right, acceptable; not bad
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
adjective - holding your attention
adjective - big, bigger in size or number
adjective - not large but not small
adjective - new, made at present or recent past, not old-fashioned
noun - a building where you can see various exhibitions, e.g. historical items, stuffed animals, technical things etc.
adjective - not young or new
noun - an open green area in a town or city where people can go to relax, sit down, have a picnic etc.
noun - a building where you can go swimming; a place for swimming built outdoors
noun - the place where you can get on/off a ship or where goods can be load onto a ship
noun - a place where you can have a meal
adjective - not dangerous, not possible to be hurt
noun - the absence of danger
noun, British English - a place where you can buy some things
noun - a statement of how large or small something is
adjective - little, not big
noun - a large building where sports like football, athletics, hockey etc. are done
noun - a building where you see a play or a show
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
noun - a kind of higher school where you study for a degree, e.g. to be a doctor etc.
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