Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Ambitions etc.
adverb - in/to a foreign country
verb - to get money from working
adjective - belonging to a different country from your own, from abroad
noun - a building in which people live, usually one family
verb - to make something different, to become different
noun - the things that you do for a living
noun - a system of communication that uses words etc.
verb - to get some knowledge, or skill
noun - a 42 kilometre-long run
noun - bills and coins that you use to pay with
verb - to go to live in a different place
noun - a book with a long and complicated story about many people
verb - look at words or a piece of text and understand it
verb - to move very quickly on your feet
verb - to finish or end something
noun - the job or activity you do, especially to earn money
verb - to put words on paper with a pen etc.
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