Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Subjects and jobs
noun - a man or woman whose job is to keep the financial records of a company etc.
noun - a person whose job is to appear in a film or theatre
noun - type of mathematics that involves working with numbers, e.g. adding, subtracting, multiplying etc.
noun - a person who has an important job in a bank
noun - a science that studies living things, e.g. people, animals, plants etc.
noun - the study of computers
noun - a person who dances or whose job is to dance
noun - a person who works in a hospital etc, and helps people who have a problem with their health
noun - the study of business and financial principles
noun - a person who designs, builds and repairs machines etc.
noun - the study of our planet, countries, cities etc.
noun - the study of the past
noun - a science that studies chemical reactions etc.
noun - a person who writes articles for a newspaper or a magazine
noun - a system of communication that uses words etc.
noun, British English - the study of numbers
noun - a woman (or a man) who works in a hospital and takes care of patients
noun - a school subject in which you do excercise, play games or do other sports
noun - the study of natural forces
noun - a person who is involved in politics, parliament, government, etc.
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
noun - a lady (or a man) who works in a company and assists her (or his) boss, types letters, answers phone calls etc.
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