Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Things needen when travelling
noun - (trademark) a medicine that people often take when they do not feel okay, e.g. if they have a headache or temperature
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun - a small device used for taking pictures or videos
noun - the kind of money used in a particular country
noun - the things that you eat
noun - a book that gives tourists valuable information about the country they are visiting
noun - a small bag where women carry their money and personal items
noun - a piece of paper with a drawing of the surface of a country or a region, showing where the towns and rivers and lakes etc. are
noun - a small box with a variety of things to be used in the case of injury, illness etc.
noun - a document that serves for your identification when you travel abroad
noun - a small knife with a folding blade
noun - a very sharp instrument used for shaving
noun - a tool used for cutting things, such as paper, hair, etc., it consists of two long, sharp pieces of metal
noun - a large warm bag that is used for sleeping in
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - a shelter made of strong cloth that is held up by poles and ropes
noun - an instrument used for brushing teeth
noun - a substance that you put on the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it
noun - a piece of paper printed by a bank that you can take on your journey instead of money
noun - a small thing in which you carry your money, it is usually made of leather or plastic
noun - a small clock which you wear around your wrist
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