Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Describing people
adjective - pleasing or interesting you, nice to look at
adjective - not having hair
noun - the hair that grown on men's face, usually below the mouth and on the cheeks
adjective - very pretty
noun - the colour of the night or coffee
adjective - light, not dark (hair), having light hair
noun - the color of wood, horses, cows etc.
adjective - full of rolls or curls (usually hair)
adjective - without light and brightness
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
adjective - light, not dark
adjective - having to much flesh and being too heavy
noun - a thing with two glass lenses which helps you see better or protects your eyes from the sun
adjective - handsome, pretty
noun - it is black or brown or blond, it grows on your head
noun - the part of the body that has eyes, ears, mouth etc.
adjective - nice, helpful, good, gentle
adjective - not short, having a great distance from one end to another
noun - an adult male person, not a woman
adjective - not tall but not short
adjective - not old but not young, in one's forties
noun - the hair that grows on men's upper lip, above the mouth
adjective - pleasant, polite
adjective - not young or new
adjective - (usually about women) very good-looking and attractive
adjective - having the shape like a circle or ball
adjective - not long, not having a large distance from one end to the other
adjective - feeling nervous about talking to people, especially strangers
adjective - thin in an attractive way, not fat
adjective - not round
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
adjective - (about people) not short, being of above average height
noun - a young person between 13-18 of age
adjective - having only a short distance between its sides
adjective - unpleasant to look at, not nice or beautiful
noun - an adult female person, not a man
adjective - not old, not having lived very long
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