Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - the teaching and training of people
noun - a formal event in which a candidate for an important post has to be chosen by a number of people
noun - having a job, a statement showing how many people have a job
noun - things connected with money, managing money, etc.
noun - the ability to do what you want; the right to do what you want
noun - the way that people live, in houses, flats etc.
noun - the rise in prices resulting in the rise of salaries etc.
noun - a rule made by the government that must be followed
noun - one of the people in the cabinet, the head of a department in the government
noun - tidiness, cleanness and neatness
noun - the institution or men and women whose job is to protect people, make everybody obey the law, catch criminals etc.
noun - something you are allowed to do or should have by law
noun - the ordinary kind, the usual
noun - the quality of life that depends on the amount of money you have and on what you can and can't afford
noun - the business of providing transport, accommodation, entertainment etc. for people who are on holiday
noun - a situation in which two nations fight against each other
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