Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - roasting meat outdoors; a kind of outdoors party (for friends or family) during which we cook meat over a fire
verb - to be happy about something and show it by having a party, etc.
noun - moving into the rhythm of music, often with a partner
noun - a type of entertainment with rides, games and other amusing things
noun - bright colourful lights shot into the sky at night, usually on special days and celebrations
noun - a piece of cloth with a picture on it that symbolizes a country, organization etc.
noun - a special day that celebrates an event etc.
noun - a ruler of a monarchy
noun - the time when people eat or the food that is eaten at this time (e.g. lunch, dinner, breakfast)
noun - an event in which people march through the streets with musicians, dancers, etc, it is a part of some celebrations
noun - an occasion where people come to have fun, eat, and drink and sometimes dance
noun - a meal eaten outdoors, esp. away from home
noun - the head of a country, esp. a republic
noun - the head of the cabinet or government
noun - a female ruler of a monarchy, the wife of a king
noun - a horse race
noun - a person who is in the army
noun - the act of speaking, a formal talk given to many people
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