Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Describing objects
noun - a thing which you use to carry things in, it can be made of paper or thin plastic, or of strong leather or cloth
noun - a small device used for taking pictures or videos
noun - material used for making clothes etc.
noun - a plant that is used for making clothes, e.g. T-shirts etc.
adjective - bent; having the shape of a bend or curve etc.
noun - a material that is used for making bottles, window panes etc.
noun - a substance that is used to stick two pieces of something (e.g. paper) together
noun - a machine that you use to dry your hair
adjective - firm, solid, difficult to break, not soft
adjective - weighing a lot, not light
adjective - far above the ground, not low
noun - a material that is used for making shoes, jackets, bags etc.
adjective - not heavy, easy to digest
noun - a substance of the same kind as water etc.
adjective - not short, having a great distance from one end to another
adjective - not high, close to the ground
noun - a technical thing that does some work
noun - small wooden sticks with a special substance at the end, used for making a fire
noun - a hard material that is used for making parts of a car, locomotive etc. or smaller things like knives and spoons etc.
adjective - not wide
noun - material made from an artificial thread
adjective - having right angles, similar to a square, but with two sides shorter, and two longer
adjective - shaped like an egg
noun - a bunch of sheets of paper fastened together
noun - thin material that books are made of, it is used for writing on etc.
adjective - made of the artificial material that is used for making almost everything, bags, clothes, pens, etc.
noun - a substance that is in very small particles
adjective - having the shape like a circle or ball
noun - a substance that can be easily stretched, it is used for making tyres, water-proof boots etc.
noun - a stuff that you use to clean and polish shoes with
adjective - not long, not having a large distance from one end to the other
noun - a thing made from oils and fats which people use to wash their body, it usually smells nice and can be of any colour
adjective - not hard or firm, usually comfortable
noun - a piece of soft material full of small holes, it is used for washing things with, because it easily hold water
adjective - having four equally long straight sides
noun - a hard mineral
noun - a strong thread, a thin rope
noun, informal - something that you do not know the name of, an object you do not know the words for
noun - a liquid that you spread on your skin to protect it from the sun
noun - a piece of clothing with long sleeves, it is usually warm and made of wool or cotton, people wear it on their T-shirt or shirt, under the coat
noun - an object; something that you don't know the word for
noun, British English - a tool that you use to open tins
noun - an instrument that is used to do something, e.g. a hammer, screwdriver etc.
noun - a large square piece of cloth that you use to dry yourself with when you are wet
noun - a machine that you use to clean the carpet of dust and dirt
noun - a small thing in which you carry your money, it is usually made of leather or plastic
adjective - broad, large from side to side; not narrow
noun - something you use to clean windows with
noun - a glass that you use to drink wine out of
adjective - made of the material that is made from tree trunks
adjective - made of the material or thread that is made from sheep's thick hair
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