Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Trains, planes and automobiles…
noun - a vehicle with two wheels without an engine, you move it by moving your legs
noun - one of the parts which a train consists of
noun - the place on the border, on the airport etc. where your baggage is checked to make sure you are not carrying any illegal things
verb - to control a car; to go by car somewhere and sit behind the wheel
adjective - able to be brought into a country without having to pay tax
adjective - travelling at a high speed, not slow
noun - the more expensive and comfortable class in a train
noun, British English - an official who is responsible for a train
noun - a section of a wide road that is used by cars going in the same direction
noun, British English - a hard area along the side of the road used for walking
noun - a person whose job is to protect people from criminals and see that law is obeyed
verb - to sit on a moving bike, motorcycle or horse etc.
noun - the cheaper and less comfortable class in a train
noun - how fast something is
noun - a person whose job is to check the passengers' tickets on a train, bus etc.
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
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