Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
The Skylight – story
noun - a tool consisting of a heavy blade on a short wooden handle, it is used for cutting wood etc.
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
noun - a thing made of wood or glass etc, which you open in order to get in or out of a building, car etc.
noun - a place with buildings, fields, pastures where plants are grown and animals bred
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
noun - a tool with a heavy metal head, you use it to hit in nails etc.
noun - a small and low mountain, a raised piece of ground
verb - to move or do something quickly because you do not have much time
verb - to hit a door with your hand in order to make the people inside open the door for you
noun - a piece of equipment that is used to climb up something, it consists of two long pieces of wood or ropes on the sides and steps between them
noun - a thing in a door etc., which can only be opened with a key
verb - to let somebody or something go down
adjective - not wide
noun - the top of a building that protects it from rain and wind and snow
verb - to speak very loudly, e.g. at somebody who is far from you etc.
noun - a wooden object that can completely cover a window, usually one of a pair
noun - a kind of window in the ceiling or roof
verb - to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive, usually at night in bed
verb - to break something into pieces, usually in a way that it cannot be mended
noun - a shape that has four equal straight sides
noun - a hard mineral
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - the short finger at the side of each hand
noun - an instrument that is used to do something, e.g. a hammer, screwdriver etc.
noun - a thing that children play with
verb - to move your hand back and forth or from side to side in order to say hello or goodbye
verb - to speak very quietly, without using the vocal chords at all
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