Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - a vehicle that travels through the air, it has two wings
noun - a place in a pub etc. where you can sit down and buy a drink
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
noun - a big vehicle with four or six wheels using a road, it can carry many passengers, it stops regularly on its route to let people in and out
noun - a waterway made for ships
noun - a kind of lift that looks like a moving staircase, it is used e.g. in shopping centres, subways etc.
noun - a place where people go when they are very ill or when they are injured
noun - a building with many rooms for guests where you can stay over night
noun - a building where religious people (Christians) go to pray etc.
noun - a place where a railway crosses a road
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
noun, British English - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
noun - a kind of church for Muslims
noun - a very high hill
noun - a building where you can see various exhibitions, e.g. historical items, stuffed animals, technical things etc.
noun - a place where people work, usually jobs connected with working with computers, documents etc.
noun - an open green area in a town or city where people can go to relax, sit down, have a picnic etc.
noun - a place where people can walk across a road, it is usually marked by white stripes on the surface of the road
noun, British English - the place where you can buy fuel for your car
noun - a place where criminals are locked up
noun, British English - a place where you can buy some things
noun - a large building where sports like football, athletics, hockey etc. are done
noun - the system that directs the traffic at a place where two streets meet, it has three lights, green, yellow (amber) and red
noun - a big vehicle that uses railway tracks, it usually has a locomotive in the front and a few carriages, it can carry passengers or goods
noun - a place like a large garden where you can watch many animals (usually in cages)
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